2022 Community Clean Up Days
We have scheduled the Community Clean-up days for 2022. The Clean-up is provided to Indian Hills residents only and is free of charge. We will be accepting trash, green waste and metal. Dumpsters will be located at James Lee Park in the dirt field just west of the Skate Park. Proof of residency will be required, so bring your Indian Hills utility bill. All materials brought to the event will need to be unloaded by the parties bringing the items. The Clean-up days will be offered on Saturday, April 23rd, Saturday, July 16th and Saturday, October 22nd from 9:00a.m. until 12:00p.m. or until the containers are filled. Accepted items: Furniture, such as chairs, couches, tables, beds and mattresses; appliances, such as stoves, washers/dryers, water heaters; residential household trash, green waste, wood waste, metal, plastics and tires, (four (4) each per household). Refrigerators and freezers will be accepted. They must be empty. Intact computer monitors and TV's, one (1) each per household. Not Accepted items: Commercial or business garbage, waste or debris, construction debris and construction site clearing debris or slash, cement, dirt, stumps or similar debris. Household hazardous waste, such as chemicals, paints, batteries and fluorescent bulbs. Schedule an appointment to take your household hazardous waste to the Douglas County Transfer Station at 775.782.5713. Recyclables are also accepted at the Transfer Station Tuesday through Saturday. There is also a recycling drop off center in the vacant lot next to Jacks Valley Elementary School. This location accepts aluminum beverage cans, glass food and beverage bottles, tin cans, and plastics #1-7 excluding Styrofoam, plastic bags or black plastics. All recycled materials must be free of contamination and sorted by material type. No trash, 'other recyclables', cross- contamination or litter. Do not leave recyclables outside separation boxes.